Bright — Architecture Competition by

‘Bright’: Architecture Competition seeks ideas and projects Photography challenge to picture light and space held by UNI

3 min readApr 14, 2022


Fig: 1 — Light is what enhances our vision of all things in the world.


Mounted is a part of Uni devising opportunities for Photographers to reflect their ideas, thoughts, and interpretations of capturing the real world through digital lenses. The forum allows enthusiasts and professionals from the world over to share their outstanding bodies of work.

Picturing Awards — aims to promote photography and photographers. Our idea is to create new opportunities to present valuable work to audiences all over the world. We aim to build a place where photographers can show different points of view and thrive through online exchanges. The winners of the Professional and Student categories will receive rewards and cash prizes. Our judging panel will comprise highly acclaimed industry professionals, including gallery owners, publishers, editors, and renowned photographers. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in one of the most prestigious photography contests in 2021.

Fig: 2 — Light is used strategically in architecture and interiors to enhance the quality of the space.


Vision is the primary sense that is employed in architecture. The form, textures, colour, the aesthetics, are all captured through the light in the space. Light, in its raw form, paints a picture guiding the journey of the user and their well-being.

Light has the power to influence our emotions, cognition and perception of a space. The effective use of light in any design can elevate its spatial experience. Light and shadows can create dynamism in a static setting. The depth perception is altered with various elements and the imaginative use of light in spaces can increase the interaction between space and its users.

The brief/theme of the challenge is to make a picture story of light and how it transforms an architectural space, using not more than 8 images — along with a concept note. This concept note can be added in the journal section that covers a description of your picture story.


1. Submit a set of 8 (Max) pictures or less to deliver a photo story.
2. Each image should be less than 10MB and 2800px x 3500 px size, portrait, or landscape.
3. Title and subtitle of the project on the project page.
4. A concept note of about 250 words in the journal section.
5. Both items are in sync with the theme of streets.


Any kind of camera is permitted, from phones to DSLR. The photos can be retouched in lightroom however, photoshopping certain elements or lassoed graphics are not allowed.


Our photography competitions are open to photographers worldwide. Professionals and amateurs of any age are eligible to enter. We do, however, require that individuals under the age of 18 years obtain guardian consent before submitting.

Find all the competition brief, terms, and other registration guidelines on this

page: Bright | Photography Competition on UNI | About

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