Psychotecture — Architecture Competition by

Call for Entries: Psychotecture | International Essay Writing Competition — Role of psychology in understanding Hosted by UNI

2 min readMar 12, 2022


Fig: 1 — Our perspective is tailored according to our experiences (Credits- Bret-Kavanaugh)

Experience and perception of space

Everyone is from varied paradigms and backgrounds and hence we respond through learned behaviors, mental mapping, unconscious and intuitive habits. Such tailored perceptions make our thoughts, sense of individuality, and responses unique. Architecture and the mind have a wonderful duality of transitioning from a public to a personal space. We spend most of our time in constructed environments, our experiences are directly affected by the streetscapes or the space we occupy. It shapes our minds by shifting perceptions, conditions, and memories. Cultural constructs have formed or dissolved because of walls and windows.

Visual and non-visual elements from our surroundings not only evoke encryption and storage of information but also articulates certain sensations.

This interplay between spaces and psychology is significant, yet it is unnoticed both in and outside the architectural industry.

Fig: 2 — Map of the mind

Questions to address

In your research, you should particularly reflect on how exactly psychology contributes to the understanding of spaces?

The views are expected to be analytical and precise, instead of vague/philosophical approaches across the subject.

  • How have spaces around us evolved through cultures/history/evolution?
  • Did our psyche evolve with these spaces or did the spaces evolve with the psyche?
  • How do our senses comprehend spaces?
  • How does the outside as well as inside the environment affect our daily physical or mental activities?
  • Can architecture or space-making be altered to change or improve human behavior?
  • How will the design industry change if human psychology in spaces is streamlined as a subject?

Note: For the competition deliverables, please check the ‘Guidelines’ section from the left sidebar.

Find all the competition brief, terms, and other registration guidelines on this

page: Psychotecture | Essay Architecture Competition on UNI | About

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