New Architecture Competition Announced — ‘Parley’ to design Essay writing challenge on Politics and Architecture —

2 min readApr 27, 2022


Fig: 1 — People often express their discontent with governmental laws or power abuse through protests.


Architecture has always been a representation of society, its values, and its ideologies. The built form is a reflection of the environmental, social, economic, and political climate at a certain time. Conversely, architecture influences various aspects of society.

A reciprocal relationship also exists between politics and architecture. Every building or city is built within certain political limits, with the capacities of several stakeholders, shaping its form. Since architecture is a powerful tool, it is used to exude command over society and its activity. On the other hand, public spaces are sites that are used by people to express their opinion, disagreement, or anger with the incompetence of the government. This free expression establishes a conversation between authority and citizens. The idea to be explored in this literary piece is the nature of the relationship between politics and architecture in a city. Research on it and answer the questions below in an essay of about 1000–1500 words and 3 images or less.

Fig: 2 — Important decisions are taken in the seats of government buildings and the setting plays an important role.


In your research, you should particularly reflect on how deeply politics influences architecture. The views are expected to be analytical and encompassing, approach across the subject.

  • How do political aspects of a society shape architecture?
  • How has a political manifestation in architecture evolved over the years? Has the pattern of influence changed now?
  • If there is instability in the political climate of a region, how does that impact the architecture in that region?
  • How do architectural landmarks become grounds for political movements?
  • Should governments have a role in dictating architectural practice?
  • Do you think political agendas propagated through architecture distort society?
  • How can we balance the collaboration between politics and architecture?


Participants shall deliver an essay of about 1000–1500 words and less than 3 images, in a cohesive piece that answers the above questions and arguments based on them. The images need to be ensured that they are copyright free or you own their rights.

Find all the competition brief, terms, and other registration guidelines on this

page: Parley | Essay Competition on UNI | About

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